Automations not showing up in UI

Even if I assign automations to room or do restarts…not showing up in the respective Room / UI at all. Check Home Assistant Configuration Add-in reported no errors. Nobody with an idea?

Where do you want the automations to appear ? You don’t see them under configuration → automations ?

In the standard HA Dashboard/Overview. I call that UI :slight_smile: Scripts and Scenes appear on the standard HA Dashboard/Overview - the automations unfortunately not. I thought that the “include” command for automations in the configuration.yaml will trigger them to show up in the Dashboard/Overview. Or am I mistaken?

In the autogenerated lovelace ? They don’t show up there. You have to take control of lovelace and add them yourself.

Thank you for this quick answer! Yes, in the autogenerated Lovelace - I thought when the scripts and scenes appear the same applies to the automations…I could have tried for a long time :slight_smile: So far I’ve been satisfied with the autogenerated Lovelace (I use HA only for the control/automation of my Somfy/Shelly covers so far), however, I will now begin to deal with the topic of creating my own Lovelaces :slight_smile: Many thanks again!

I had the same issue - It was due to the placement of “automation: !include automations.yaml”
I had it below homeassistant - automations worked but automations did not show in UI

This works in my configuration.yaml below

automation: !include automations.yaml
 customize: !include customize.yaml
# Example configuration.yaml entry using cloud based Emoncms
sensor emon:
  platform: emoncms
  api_key: 082ddc4b```