My Zigbee mesh went down and after I’d brought it up again, automations involving Zigbee devices aren’t working.
All the devices were recognised and working, but their locations were missing and had to be added. The problem seems to be associated with the automation IDs now not being recognised.
Can anyone suggest a ‘work around’ that will avoid me having to rewrite all the automations again, please?
I do know it’s not what you want to hear but you’re probably recobfiguring your automations one last time… But let’s take a look at making it better when you do…
It sounds like you’re not using state triggers and entities in your automations and using devices instead?
How this applies. Whatever fix you had to do - sounds like it updated the devices and gave you new device id’s. - the only way around that is ensure you’re not using devices in your automations (device id’s do not persist when you delete a device) and use entities where available.
I end up having to blow away one of my integrations on a monthly basis. Which one is not important. The important fact is all the automations I have based on the items it provides are entity based and when I completely delete the integration, restart HA and re add it. I know I have one entity_id to rename to something and all of the automation built on it just works. If I had used devices I’d be editing 12 scripts…
I’ve been trying to post a screenshot of one of my problem automations, but keep getting ‘unformatted code’ errors. I’ve used the ‘Upload’ icon and the image appears OK in the RH pane, but it simply won’t post!
Don’t post screenshots of your automations. post the actual yaml code instead ensuring that it’s properly formatted using three backticks (```) on both the line before and after the code.