My automations stop working usually after a restart and a simple name change gets them back on again.
This problem has happened several times now and I have no idea what causes it. I have just fixed it in the past hoping the reason will reveal itself but I’ve not been able to get to the bottom of it.
I’m busy changing them right now as it’s just happened again…
Has this happened to anyone else or more importantly does anyone know what is causing this?
What HA version are you running?
Have you checked the automations after restart in Dev Tools/states?
Maybe they are simply not enabled (on) after restart?
I’m running latest version.
In the dev tools the state is shown as “off”. I don’t understand, I’m supposed to enable the automations? I usually just set them up and they come up as “on” in the dev tools.
Until they do this funny thing and change to “off” and then I can’t get them back on again until I change their name to something new
For an automation to run it has to be “on”. there are a couple of ways you can turn them on. You can set the initial_state to on as @myle said above. Then every time you restart HA they will always be on regardless of what the state was prior to restarting HA. IOW, if they were on or off when you restart they will be on after you restart.
Or you can click the weblink box to the left of the automation entry in the states page then click the toggle to on. Then every time you restart HA they will stay in the same state they were in prior to restarting HA. UNLESS you don’t let HA fully restart and initialize the automations back to the saved state then they will again be in the off state until you turn them back on again.
You have to decide which way you want to do it for your needs.
Thanks guys, that sounds simple enough. I never knew the link on the left of the entity gave me all these options and I probably could have fixed it that way, very handy for checking groups and scripts etc too!
I still dont really understand why it happens only on some restarts but I’ll leave it as is for now and look fwd to the next time they turn themselves off so I can problem solve with what you guys said instead of renaming everything again.