It seems that automations are broken when you add a condition to it. I upgraded from 0.115.2 to 0.116.2 and since then it doesn’t work. I made even really simpel test automations with a condition, doesn’t work.
As far as i have tested, it does work when you make an automation like:
At X time
when light Y is on
Turn of light Y
So that works. But when triggering with a tradfri motion sensor, and the condition “dark = true” it doesn’t work. Neither does the condition “between sunset and sunrise” when triggering on the motion sensor.
It is going to be easier to help you if you copy the complete automation yaml code for that automation from your automations.yaml file and post it here. Make sure you format the code correctly (using ``` before and after the copied code).
Solved. Seems to be a bug. The state should be “true” or “false”, but without the quotes. HASS does the quotes by itself, but it needs to be a boolean. That why it fails.