Automations wont start always when triggerd by Buttons

Hello, im running HA on a Raspi-4 with the Skyconnect stick, Homematic iP and Philips Hue Bridges. Nabu casa Cloud too.
Im running Adaptive Lighting, and Scenes from Hue, some Roomes like the bathroom have Motion sensors and Buttons from aquara.
To shower or when my wife is for hours in it for example.
Im running Automations to deactivate the Motionsensor-Automation and Adaptive Lighting via Switch + turn a Hue-Scene on.
It just works once in a while and is really frustrating, cause complex autos without button triggers are working flawless.
I can see that the trigger activation is working but not always, but even if im running the Auto manually, nothing happens once it stocks so i guess its not the buttons fault.
It seems that happens with every Automation that will be triggerd by buttons.
I thaught its a hue Button problem, so ive thrown them all out, plus the hue Motion sensors, but its just slightly better with aquara.
My wife annoys me allday about this issue and im thinking about buying dumb lights again.
Im German, so are my Automations, screensshots from the Autos are pointless i think.

Im working with trigger ids that are :100: accurate.
Its just when triggerd by button short press, doublepress and Long press.
It works sometimes for days, than its condemned for days.