Hi all,
After having Home Assistant configured and running in a first, basic way I wanted to create some automatisations in it.
Currently, I am using the visual editor from the Webfrontend…
I have several smoke-detecors from Homematic IP in use and I want to create an Automatisation when they detect smoke.
So far so good, I have now added these devices and the condition - and also the actions that should be done when smoke was detected.
The only thing I do not understand is, if my configuration is based on AND conditions or on OR conditions:
Option 1:
SmokeDetector A detects smoke
SmokeDetector B detects smoke
—> DoAction
Option 2:
SmokeDetector A detects smoke
SmokeDetector B detects smoke!
2020-06-24 07_45_55-Einstellungen - Home Assistant|520x500
Can anyone explain in which mode this configuration is working?
And if it is based on an AND rule, how I can change it to an OR rule?
Or how I can decide, if I want to use an AND or OR condition for other automatisations?
Thanks and with best regards,