Automount USB disks optoin

There have been a lot of FR opened on this topic but all seem to get closed with a link to [SOLVED] Mount USB drive in Hassio to be used on the Media Folder with udev customization.

This implementation has a few problems IMO:

  • It is complicated to setup
  • A lot of people have issues with it
  • Mount names are inconsistent (if you have multiple drives plugged in)
  • And overall a bad UX for such a basic functionality that a lot of people want/need.

Because of this people are turning to hassio-addons/sambanas at master · dianlight/hassio-addons · GitHub which has a automouont option, but you have to run it with Protection Mode disabled. (a security disaster just waiting to happen if you ask me)

So here is my FR. Under Link to Storage – My Home Assistant add a toggle button to automount drives that will mount the drives based on the drive label (as it does in sambanas add-on).

Mounting drives can VERY much break your system. If the drive mounted brings the backup size bigger than available, for instance, the drive will fill up and the system will crash. If you plug in a memory stick, for instance, with malware, that would cause all kinds of problems. That is why this is not supported and if you do find a way to do it, you will be using an unsupported version of HAOS and you will be on your own when it breaks,
It is absolutely not recommended behavior, however it is not impossible to do.
I feel that the amount of effort it takes to know and understand how to do it is warranted before you be able to have something mounted and decide to take on full support role.

Plus if you really want a drive mounted, install core or another install method where you are in control of the OS.

Using the supported Samba Add-on is the supported and much safer way to transfer files. You can also use one of the SSH Terminal Add-ons to do this.

Seeing there are already multiple ways to do this, I do not believe this is a valid [FR].
I don’t wanna or I don’t like it is not a valid reason.