Automower Rain Automation


has anyone yet configured an automation for the automower to drive to the station when it starts raining?
I have a FO Raingauge and wanted to do something like that

when rain from 0 to 0,1 then go to charging station
then wait for rain return to 0 rain add 240 min and continue work

on top of that i have a configured schedule in the husqvarna app when the mower should do his work. This sould also be considered



Any luck with this one @mex1254 ?


i took the Rainalarm from my KNX weatherstation - when rainalarm goes to ON for > 2mins following script is running

alias: husqvarna regen

  • device_id: insertdeviceid
    domain: number
    entity_id: number.nameofmower_park_for
    type: set_value
    value: 180
    mode: single

works for me - from time to time when it is raining really strong i do pause the mower for a day or more