Availability Issues with Tesla API

Anybody out there who sees the same reliability issues with the Tesla integration/gateway access?

It seems to lose access to the gateway rather often, i.e. every drop to 0 in this graph marks a 30 seconds or longer disconnect - and it’ just noon :frowning_face:

Nothing in the logs other than this:

Logger: homeassistant.components.powerwall
Source: helpers/update_coordinator.py:411
integration: Tesla Powerwall (documentation, issues)
First occurred: January 17, 2025 at 18:38:29 (106 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:43:24

Error fetching Powerwall site data: Unable to fetch data from powerwall

Responding to myself:

I had the Tesla Gateway connected to via both, WLAN and LAN.
After I got rid of the WLAN connection, access to the API is basically at 100%.
Had to have the gateway ‘forget’ the WiFi connection - it’s still a pain that the WiFi module itself cannot be turned off properly.