Available version sensor does not show minor for docker since 2021.7

Hi there,
Since 2021.7 the Available Version sensor shows only “2021.7” (and not “2021.7.1” for example) for docker.
I am using the below sensors to determine if there is and update available and now HA always thinks that there is an update.


  - platform: version
    name: HA Current Version
    source: local

  - platform: version
    name: HA Available Version
    source: container
    image: default
    beta: false


Any suggestions? :slight_smile:

That is probably because of the way the containers are built since 2021.7:

That being said 2021.7.1 is still listed as a tag on hub.docker.com so I’m not sure if this is intended or an issue.

I’ve myself changed my setup to pull the major version (e.g. 2021.7) and I’ve now added my container to the list of watched containers for auto update in watchtower