I have a problem concerning my zigbee devices. I want to know if my device is available (is it receiveing power or not ?), so I enabled availability in “Settings/Settings/Availability”. The problem is that I don’t know how to retrieve this information in HA. I can see the MQTT topic, but it is not translated as an entity, as I expected it to be. So my question is : is the availability of an MQTT device automatically created as an entity in HA, or do I have to create it manually ?
Thank you for answering me.
The answer of jerrm seems to be what i am looking for. It looks like there is no entities handling the availability of a device, it’s more like the entity itself telling us its state.
Thank you very much
@faune – That is correct. You should check if the state=“unavailable”. Note that some integrations also have “unknown” for the state and it can take a while (from minutes to hours) for the integration to mark the device has “unavailable”. -David