Avalability of Zigbee devices


I have a problem concerning my zigbee devices. I want to know if my device is available (is it receiveing power or not ?), so I enabled availability in “Settings/Settings/Availability”. The problem is that I don’t know how to retrieve this information in HA. I can see the MQTT topic, but it is not translated as an entity, as I expected it to be. So my question is : is the availability of an MQTT device automatically created as an entity in HA, or do I have to create it manually ?

Thank you very much,


Have you checked under the following 3 areas?
Sometimes things come up where you do not expect them to be.

States in HA will report “Unavailable”

Can you see this device on your wifi network controller (IP address)?
On the Zigbee Hub/controller?

Thank you for answering me.
The answer of jerrm seems to be what i am looking for. It looks like there is no entities handling the availability of a device, it’s more like the entity itself telling us its state.
Thank you very much

@faune – That is correct. You should check if the state=“unavailable”. Note that some integrations also have “unknown” for the state and it can take a while (from minutes to hours) for the integration to mark the device has “unavailable”. -David