have a number of temperature sensors around the house and am trying a way to average the value.
I have written the below, it seems to work sometimes, but not others, I think this must be dues to the listen_state function as I assume this is best used for discrete state changes, not numbers.
What is the best way to run this so it will check for temp changes, without constant polling?
class AverageStateValue(hass.Hass):
def initialize(self):
# Subscribe to sensors
for sensor in self.args["sensors"]:
self.listen_state(self.change_detected, sensor)
def change_detected(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
sensor_value = []
for sensor in self.args["sensors"]:
theVal = self.get_state(sensor)
if self.isNumber(theVal) and int(theVal) != 0:
averageValue = round(self.calcAverage(sensor_value),0)
self.set_state(self.args["averagesensor"], state = averageValue, attributes = {"friendly_name": self.args["averagefriendlyname"],"unit_of_measurement": self.args["averageunitmeasurement"], "icon": self.args["averageicon"] })
def calcAverage(self,num):
if len(num) > 0:
return sum(num)/len(num)
return 0
def isNumber(self,str):
if str is not None:
if len(str) > 1:
return str.isdigit()
return False
return False
module: set_average_state
class: AverageStateValue
- sensor.temperature_158d00019cb5c2
- sensor.temperature_158d00019cb85c
- sensor.temperature_158d00019cb4f7
- sensor.temperature_158d00019cb81a
- sensor.temperature_158d00023792a5
- sensor.temperature_158d00023792c8
averagesensor: sensor.upstairs_temperature
averagefriendlyname: "Upstairs Temperature"
averageicon: "mdi:thermometer"
averageunitmeasurement: "°C"