Average Washing Maching & Dryer Load Time?

Hello everyone.

I am having a bit of a brain fart on where to start…Kind of. But I think it should be easier that I have some preliminary things out of the way.

I’ve made a washer and dryer Chip for my upstairs.

I am running off of a Aeotec Smart Switch for the washer. And a Aeotec Heavy Duty(240v) switch for the dryer.

I have some automations and helpers in place. I modified @123 setup for work for my washer and dryer which can be seen here

But here’s the modified version of the automation.

alias: LAUNDRY - Washing Machine Operation
description: ""
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.washing_machine_state
  - service: input_select.select_option
      entity_id: input_select.washing_machine_state
      option: >-
        {% set s = states('input_select.washing_machine_state') %} {% set fr =
        trigger.from_state.state %} {% set to = trigger.to_state.state %} {% if
        fr == 'Done' and to == 'Fill' %} Wash Fill {% elif fr == 'Fill' and to
        == 'Run' %} Wash {% elif fr == 'Done' and to == 'Run' %} Wash {% elif fr
        == 'Run' and to == 'Pulse' and s == 'Wash' %} Wash Spin {% elif fr ==
        'Pulse' and to == 'Run' and s == 'Wash Spin' %} Wash Drain {% elif fr ==
        'Run' and to == 'Fill' %} Rinse Fill {% elif fr in ['Fill', 'Run'] and
        to == 'Wait' %} Rinse Wait {% elif fr == 'Wait' and to == 'Run' %} Rinse
        {% elif fr == 'Run' and to == 'Pulse' and s == 'Rinse' %} Rinse Spin {%
        elif fr == 'Pulse' and to == 'Run' and s == 'Rinse Spin' %} Rinse Drain
        {% elif fr in ['Run', 'Fill', 'Wait', 'unknown'] and to == 'Done' %}
        Done {% else %} unknown {% endif %}
mode: single

And the template sensor

  - platform: state
    id: washing_machine_watt_change
      - sensor.washing_machine_plug_electric_consumption_w

  - name: Washing Machine State
    state: >-
      {% set s = states('sensor.washing_machine_state') %}
      {% set p = states('sensor.washing_machine_plug_electric_consumption_w') %}
      {% if p == 'unavailable' %} unavailable
      {% else %}
        {% set p = p | int %}
        {% if p == 0 %} Done
        {% elif p < 3 %} Wait
        {% elif 3 <= p <= 20 %}
          {{ 'Fill' if s in ['Done', 'Run'] else s }}
        {% elif 100 < p < 180 %} Run
        {% elif p > 180 %} Pulse
        {% else %} {{s}}
        {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
    icon: mdi:washing-machine

So I’ve got Dryer Sensors, and Washing Machine sensors, that follow the cycle of the appliances.

What I am trying to figure out. How do I make a template - to take the time the input_select.washing_machine_state is not in ‘done’, and create an average time not in done. I’ve thought about adding an input counter helper, to increase the count in the automation when the state changes from ‘done’ that way I have a number of loads/event count of ‘not in done’ to divide the total time the state was ‘not in done’. But I am really unsure and new to using statistics in calculations in HA.

I don’t necessarily need the answer, but would love if someone could point me in the right direction.