I created a sensor like this:
- pin: D1 #GPIO5
update_interval: 5s
- platform: dallas
index: 0
name: "Dallas Temperature"
id: dallas_temperature
Sometimes the sensor returns “unavailable” for one cycle what I want to prevent.
For a Home Assistant sensor I found a solution like this:
Here’s a better way to show the last known value of a sensor:
Create a Trigger-based Template Sensor (the NOTE section of this post)
For Esp Home I found this discussion:
not numeric means unavailable or generally not usable as numeric?
in the first case you can limit yourself by comparing the state to unavailable (and maybe unknown?)
but as you’ll need to convert it to a float anyway, maybe it’s possible to use float’s default set to some “impossible” value like this:
{% set invalid_value = -48 %}
{% set resut = states('sensor.brightfactor') | float(invalid_value) %}
{% if result != invalid_value %}
# do your maths and return a new value
{% else %}
{{ stat…
So, how I can create a trigger based sensor directly in esp home which get’s only updated if the new value of original sensor isn’t “unavailable” or “unknown” ?
My idea is to create an additional template sensor and only return a new value if the original sensor isn’t “unknown” or “unavailable”:
But the syntax seems to be wrong… Can anybody help how I can check the status for “unknown” and “unavailable” ?
- platform: template
id: dallas_temperature_helper
name: "Dallas Temperature Helper"
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
icon: mdi:thermometer
lambda: |-
if (id(dallas_temperature).state == 'unknown')
return {};
return id(dallas_temperature).state;
To get the new value from my temperature sensor I updatet this sensor like this:
- platform: dallas
index: 0
name: "Dallas Temperature"
id: dallas_temperature
- sensor.template.publish:
id: dallas_temperature_helper
state: !lambda 'return id(dallas_temperature).state;'
This is a working solution for me, so now I provide the temperature to my additional sensor only if the original sensor is in a range.
- platform: dallas
index: 0
name: "Dallas Temperature"
id: dallas_temperature
- if:
- sensor.in_range: #avoid "unavailable" / "unknown" status
id: dallas_temperature
above: -100
below: 100
- sensor.template.publish:
id: dallas_temperature_helper
state: !lambda 'return id(dallas_temperature).state;'
- platform: template
id: dallas_temperature_helper
name: "Dallas Temperature Helper"
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
icon: mdi:thermometer
## do something
Anyhow, I would like to check for “unknown” and “unavailable”, does anybody know how to check for this ?
You should be able to use isnan() in a lambda function. I haven’t tested this, but off the top of my head it would go something like this:
- platform: dallas
index: 0
name: "Dallas Temperature"
id: dallas_temperature
lambda: |-
if (!(isnan(x))) {
The x variable contains the current value of the sensor.
- platform: dallas
index: 0
name: "Dallas Temperature"
id: dallas_temperature
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
icon: mdi:thermometer
accuracy_decimals: 1
- lambda: |-
if (!(isnan(id(dallas_temperature).state)))
return id(dallas_temperature_helper).publish_state(id(dallas_temperature).state);
- platform: template
id: dallas_temperature_helper
name: "Dallas Temperature Helper"
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
icon: mdi:thermometer
## do something