A curated list of amazingly awesome Home Assistant resources.

Awesome Home Assistant is a curated list of awesome Home Assistant resources. Additional software, tutorials, custom components, Hassio add-ons, custom Lovelace panels, cookbooks, example setups, and much more.
The list is divided into categories. The links in those categories do not have pre-established order; the order is for contribution. If you want to contribute, please read the guide.
Recently, I’ve noticed some behavior of myself. Since I’m on Discord a lot and try to answer questions, many times those questions can be answered with a link. But that link… where was it? So I start searching Google each time that happens, many times for the same thing.
The other day I was watching @DrZzs doing a live stream, and saw him struggling with the same thing. I’ve passed him the links via Discord as quick as possible, to help him out, nevertheless, the same problem.
It dawned on me: A lot of those amazing resources are scattered all over the place! So that’s why I’ve created this (hopefully) awesome central resource for everything Home Assistant related.
Your help is needed!
I’ve ensured the list has some great resources from the get-go, but it needs your help to make it even more awesome!
- Anything missing on the list?
- Found something really useful that others might find helpful as well?
Consider contributing this to the list!
This awesome list is an active open-source project and is always open to people who want to contribute to it. We have set up a separate document containing our Contribution Guidelines.
For a full list of all authors and contributors, check the contributor’s page.
Thank you for being involved!