Awning - Closed at top and Open at bottom [Solved]

Hi everybody!

I have a display issue about my awning.
Technically, everything works like a charm (I use for that a qubino shutter with a zwave aeon labs stick gen5)

I have 2 solutions to make physical connections.

When the awning is folded:

  • In the first solution (The actual solution you can see on above screenshot), home assistant tells me the awning is OPEN with current_position: 100 and the down arrow is to unfolded it.

=> But the awning should be CLOSED

  • In the second solution: home assistant tells me the awning is CLOSED with current_position: 0 and the down arrow allows to folded it.

=> But the down arrow should unfold it

My question is: Can I configure the cover device or the cover template, to have:

  • CLOSED when the awning is folded
  • Down button to OPEN it and Up button to CLOSE it

I have the impression that Zwave or HA always consider that awning is open at the top and close at the bottom

Thanks a lot for your help!

Solved after a recent HA upgrade because the widget is different for now and more clear: