Hello, PC - Windows 10.
I tried do it locally and didn’t work.I got nodemcu board and I’d like to switching relays via node-red dashboard. When I want to test it out with local mqtt broker then I dont know what is the ip address of the mqtt broker: I tried on my Arduino IDE const char* mqtt_server = ""; // tried "localhost" and didn't work too
Am I supposed to put there my computer ip? IPv4 address from cmd → ipconfig and in Local_mosca’s Server attribute?
I got MOSCA MQTT broker on my node-red flow and I configured it like this:
MQTT Port: 1883
MQTT WS port 8080
username and password too
//MQTT out node settings below
Server: Local_mosca // when I click to edit it I got name:Local_mosca, Server: localhost, Port: 1883
Topic: device1/relay1 // and so on relay 2,3
const char* ssid = “xxxxx”;
const char* password = “xxxxxx”;
const char* mqtt_server = “”; // tried “localhost” and didn’t work too
Got this error in Git Bash all the time.
[info] [mqtt-broker:Local_mosca] Connection failed to broker: mqtt://localhost:1883
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