Awtrix (clock) notification [Custom Component]

blueprint is very easy,
just name app
just choose entity what you wish to show
just choose AWTRIX3 device(s)

Iā€™m a bit lost with my awtrix.
I switched from ioBroker to Home Assistant. I have an external MQTT Broker running, the Awtrix3 device is publishing on it, the HA discovery is on. In HA I can not find the device with this integration neither I can configure anything like MQTT server or something like that. There seems to be no configuration in the integration, is that right? Could u guys help me. That would be wonderful! Thanks.

yes. this right.

why i see no icon?

action: notify.awtrix_ce4a94
  message: Hi!
     icon: "846"

Have you downloaded the icon to your clock beforehand?

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my crystal ball said what you do not download icon before.

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action: notify.awtrix_ce4a94
  message: Hi!
     icon: ""

the ball had right

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