AWTRIX Lite - Phone/Device Battery Tracking Blueprint

This blueprint will allow you track the phone battery status on an Awtrix Lite device. The upside is this is cool.

The downside is I took advantage of the icon property and as such you will have to upload a set of custom icons available here: HomeAssistant/icons/phone at master · jeeftor/HomeAssistant · GitHub

Static Battery Images

Charging Images

Home Assistant publishes an icon property which is basically battery_80 or battery_charging_80 - so the easy mode was to name the icons accordingly so they can be loaded by the blueprint.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.


Added pushIcon support - however - you may need to delete you’re automation before hand because it doesn’t seem like I can pass in a default value …


Thank you for this, it works great except for the pushIcon but I noticed that you put it twice in the payload, the last one being “pushIcon”:1. I think the one with the variable is just ignored.

Hello, can you make it display for more than one phone? two automations do not work.

If you change the application name you should be able to have it for 2 phones

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it works, thank you

I can’t for the life of me figure out, how to download the icons… :crazy_face:

Would really like to try this!!!

Disregard, got them downloaded!!!

First of all thanks for the Blueprint,
basically it works - but somehow i don´t get how to implement the Icons in front of the Text.
I downloaded them and but them into AWTRIX - buy you mentioned to change the icon names - but i didn´t see somehow the names associated. The only i see is “Battery_sensor.attributes” ?

I get same no icons what am I missing

Thanks for this sharing !
I successfully set it in my HA, now for me the question is : how can I optmize, modify some parameters, as such as the frequency of notification, the treshold to enable the notification etc. I am not familiar with the automations/YAML…

Thank you very much