Axis Cam – Delay in live Stream on Lovelace

I am using an Axis 1405 LE and it is connected to hassio via the Axis component. When I look on my Android tablet on the Lovelace Card of to watch the live stream (to see my fence and open the door) I have to click on the card. Then it takes a few seconde until the stream starts. And than I can discover that there is a delay of round about 5 seconds in the stream. When I enter the IP of the cam in Chrome on my tablet, there is no delay in the stream. Any suggestions how to fix that issue?

The stream is relayed through home assistant so there is a natural delay because of that, exactly how long that can be expected I can not say.

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Thanks! So than I will add a link opening a new tab. Does not look that good, but should work much faster.Otherwise I might miss the parcel deliverer/post man.