Axis integration stopped reporting sensors

I noticed that suddenly the axis integration has stopped reporting sensor data. The only thing it can see is the video feed. When I first added the cameras (months ago), it was reporting all sorts of stuff like day/night readings, motion detection, sound detection etc…

I tried removing and readding that one camera (I guess you can’t remove the entire integration, you have to do it one camera at a time?). Upon readding, all the other sensors were gone and the only thing remaining was the video feed.

I recently upgraded to firmware version 10.11.85 and the camera is an M3116-LVE. Is it possible the new firmware changed stuff under the hood and the axis integration needs an update?

Shouldn’t be the case but who knows eh? :slight_smile:

Right now Im doing rework on the UniFi integration and once that has gotten a bit further I will go back to improving the Axis integration.

In the mean time you can try stuff as trying combinations of home assistant and axis firmware to see if behaviour reverts back to working.


Is there a way I can see under the hood? Maybe theres an error log somewhere?

It would be home assistant logs. You can increase log leveling to debug to see if you can figure out what’s going on