AZ-Touch and ESP32

many many thanks.
I believe that you will help not only me, but also other users, probably also the sellers and developers (Zichtec, AZ-Delivery and Amazon) because the hardware is really elegant, you don’t need to tinker suitable picture frames.

If you are asking for help from people who use their spare time to answer you for free then don’t blame them for asking you to write it in the forum language.

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… not correct!!!

  1. I didn’t ask for help, but made a comment about “openHASP”!!!

  2. still not understood???

I don’t even see it’s an English site!!!

My system language (also HASSIO) is German everywhere, like yours probably English!!!

I also had no problem with “ESP” on Chinese pages, everything was shown in German (ESSPRESIF, ESP32, or NODEMCU)

in case anyone is interested, here are pins used in openHASP…

completely different…

it’s just strange that the openHASP configuration works, but the original ones don’t!!!

MSP Series (Red PCB) - openHASP

It is really difficult to know what you are on about, there is full documentation of the pins used for az-touch are here openHASP/user_setups/esp32/az-touch-mod-esp32_ili9341.ini at 8459b632c764c344415dfc09f01153566ad66f75 · HASwitchPlate/openHASP · GitHub

To what?

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Well now you know How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question


and for installation on ESP32:
NOT!!! as on the pages of “HASwitchplatte”…

  1. assemble everything… (display on it) + USB power from PC

  2. google search → “Tasmota PyFlasher” → Install on PC

  3. google search → “az-touch-mod-esp32_ili9341_full_4MB_v0.6.3_497f611”

  4. PyFlasher:
    Com port selection and the “.bin” selection

If the display doesn’t want to work properly because it’s the first time:

  1. Restart ESP32 (power off and on again on the PC)
  2. Disconnect the PC from the home network and connect it to ESP32 (it is offered to connect as a network on the PC) ESP= “AP mode”

IP= (as with EasyESP)

from here you can also use the phone, tablet…

by Tasmota (if installed on ESP32)

Menu selection → Update

Google search->

OTA.bin works in Tasmota

Are you trying to tell us that you didn’t read all the docs. Flashing is dealt with here ESP32 - openHASP and setting up wifi on the page right after.


“it is treated”…

just doesn’t work…

I have this little box in front of me, and I described how it works…

“py” and other stuff…

Please consider… how many are using windows, (apple) android and how many are using pinquin???

Nope, he’s telling you, that he doesnt bother about translating an english documentation to german. So he decided to take the low road and just pisses off people who are not willing to translate it for him.

It simply can’t be, that some high personality like him should be bothered by using their own brain or skills to translate these instructions. :wink:


do you mean me?

is it still not in english?

… but it doesn’t solve the problem despite installing the box that no temperature sensors can be installed!!!

What are you quoting there?

Like it or not home assistant is written in python.

you have 8 free GPIOs but you can only install relays and some sensors like “vibration”…
You still have to assign an IP to your router, install another chip, with a temperature sensor, if you want to build a thermostat…

it’s not about HAASIO(py)!!!

probes to "AZ-TOUCH-MOD(py)!!!

Did someone tell you that the az-delivery device was a ready made thermostat with support here? So sue them.

No, it is a DIY project. If you want help, criticism like

And unexplained nonsense like

Or statements like

Without actually pointing to the documentation you are commenting on, is not going to make you any friends.


@bag.stg.kft he’s not the one flagging your posts. Other people are. Stop now. Final warning.

@paddy0174 do not respond. Please.

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Sorry, couldn’t resist to say my two (or a few more) words! Please feel free to delete any of my posts, as they don’t really fit into our cosy and nice forum living room! :slight_smile:

Thanks! :wink:

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I don’t understand what to stop and for what “last warning”, and when was the first “warning”?