AZDelivery D1 Mini ESP32 NodeMCU

I am trying to flash the above boards for use with ESPhome. I am unable to get them connected to my WiFi for updating etc. I have checked my router channel and tried to keep it away from the default.

What does everyone use to flash these boards?

The first time you flash the ESP you have to connect it via USB. After that you can flash OTA.

Hi, yes done that, also tried web interface etc etc. Shows node in ESPhome but shows it offline. The only way I can get it to integrate is to flash it with ESP Web Tools. This, the, does not show up as a node in the ESPhome add-on and therefor does not allow updates of any sort.

Have you tried setting up a fixed ip?


After flashing the first time ove usb, I usually look in the router what ip has been given to the ESP and then use that ip in the yaml as the fixed ip (flashing once more over usb).