Background colour of HA always changing

Hi all, this may sound silly but every time I open HA the theme is randomly dark or light and changes by itself, not seemingly tied to daylight hours or the sun object even though the setting of auto is enabled, out of the box.

It was light themed this morning at 9am and now it’s 10am it’s gone dark again. Weird?

Is your location correctly set ?

Unless you have specifically automated your own themes the light or dark them is applied according to the settings of the device you are viewing the dashboard on. So if your laptop or tablet is reporting dark mode, then that is what is used. If nothing is reported then the light theme is used.

My location is set via the map screen and looks correct, also my device (phone) goes to dark mode automatically at 9.30pm and light mode at 7am, so the behaviour of HA does not mirror this setting at all.

My home assistant setting is light with sunrise and dark with sunset. Also this does not work correctly. HA changed themes 3 times today on the same device, was light at 9am, dark at 10am and later went back to light. All before noon.

For example I also note it’s 23.35 now and the Weather app in HA reports as currently “Sunny” - not sure if this is also related or not.

Right. So you have …

To debug this we need to see your configuration. The traces too.

No I haven’t automated anything. This is the default setting out of the box. When installed, the configuration for light/dark is set to “Auto” and it apparently should mirror the settings of the device accessing it. (I read somewhere it was automated by the Sun / daylight / night. Seems not according to the statements posted above.)

That device is my phone which itself is always light mode after 7am, and dark mode after 9.30pm but HA does not seem to follow the same behaviour. It randomly changes between light and dark every time I launch the web page.

I have no automations running. I have no themes installed. Only as it comes out of the box.

Ok so as I said, the only thing that switches on is the light/dark setting as reported by device that is being used to view home assistant.

If that is not working you should open a new issue here:

Make sure to include as much detail as possible including the viewing device make/model, browser, settings etc.

Your settings do appear strange. You have “Use backend preferred theme” selected (and it does not look like you can change it) but no themes installed. So I would have expected this to be set to “Default”.

Exactly. I have selected nothing, but the default setting behaviour is weird. I’ll post a message on GitHub. I’m a developer in VB.Net, C++ and Rockwell Studio 5000, so I’m not flummoxed by a few lines of markup script.

Thanks for the replies.