Background usage, no deep sleep

Hi, using companion app full. At night the phone is loosing like 10-15% overnight, and I leave the phone with a lot of conservative settings like

Power saving ON
Mobile data OFF
Do not disturb
Always on display OFF
Location OFF
Bluetooth OFF
Wifi ON (good signal)

I checked with the app BETTER BATTERY STATS and the problem was this process that wont let the phone deep sleep.

MmapPlayback ( Assistant): 6 h 40 m 19 s  Count:26 99.6%

In the phone stats the app is in background all the time

I read on another post that this could be the picture glance cards with live feed?
I’m not using widgets or the persistent connection

Any help is welcome

if you have a live stream video on the home screen then yes that connection will stay open…to see if you hit that issue check your data usage it will also be high if that is the case.

other than that the app does need to be running in teh background for sensor updates.

you can refer to these steps for battery drain if that is the concern from teh app

Thanks for the quick reply.

I checked the link and I had the Bluetooth Transmitter transmitting all the time and also with high settings. Will see if changing this fix the problem

Regarding the live stream, the problem only happen in the home screen view or also in other view?

basically if you have any live streams you want to make sure that you close the more info panel and also navigate to another view/tab without any streams before putting the app in the background

more than likely the BLE transmitter was the cause of your drain.

So I change all the setting to this, previously was in low power (1hz) and transmitter power high

How can I manage the enable transmitter without going to the app manually? Thinking in automation

Will monitor this changes tonight

use the notification command :slight_smile:

Great! Didn’t know about the commands, my fault

Will inform the result tomorrow to see if this could help someone else

So to do the test I totally disable everything regarding Bluethoot, the beacon and the monitoring, but the problem is still there, no deep sleep because of the partial wakelock


Im sure to get to the home view (no feed there) before sending the app to background.

Will try killing the app before sleep to see if the problem persist

Some screenshots of better battery stats

Try disabling custom cards, one of them might be causing that.

Using two weather custom card in the main view, will disable and check

I can’t fix the problem. Already delete the two custom weather cards, also changed the two feed cards from live to auto and they are not in the main view.
The phone won’t enter to deep sleep because of this partial wakelock
Is there a way to directly identify the origin of this MmapPlayback?