Backup and moving to a new SD card Raspberry Pi?

I have successfully set up loop timer fan automation with home assistant, Thanks to @ tom_l and @123. Now I have three questions.

  1. This installation was done on a Gopro’s 32Gb SD card for an experimental basis, I want to shift to a dedicated SD card for Home assistant. It will be moved over to a 16Gb SD card. How to do it? I have a already installed GitHub - sabeechen/hassio-google-drive-backup: Automatically create and sync snapshots into Google Drive, which is working I think. How can I move over 16GB card without the hassle of setup everything a new? image|690x344

  2. I want to run FR24 radar software from the same SD card too.

  3. Install CUPS for using printer too or can I control my printer from Home assistant? Printing at home from your Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi

If you want to run other software, you can’t use HA OS.

at least cups can be used, isn’t it?


How can I backup and move to another card?

Just make a snapshot using google drive backup, install the new version, download the backup from google drive and restore it to the new installation.

This snapshot will have everthing? meaning new installation will only require snapshot to configure all setting and automation?

Another option could be using dd from the commandline on the linux/raspi system in question. But you need storage for the backup file which will be as large as the device your are backing up. Maybe a remote smb connection or an external disk / usb stick

dd if=/dev/mcblk0 of=/your_mounted_remote_dir bs=512 status=progress

The resulted image can be writen to an sd or ssd on your computer / pc with a disk image writer (on Windows “rufus” e. g.)

The image is bootable and contains each and every byte of the system you backed up. When creating the new sd / ssd the target medium must be as large as the image. It may be larger but not smaller.

Yes, a snapshot contains all your settings (including automations)

Can I install Home assistant on Synology?

There are some community guides available. I don’t have a Synology, so never tried.

Should (it) work(s) with docker, but you have to figure out how. I’am on raspi4b with docker.

why docker on raspberry pi4?

For my needs the very best solution to manage my server setup(s).