Setting up local USB printer with CUPS via Portainer

I thought I’d share how I deployed CUPS via Portainer alongside hassio. I am a beginner using docker and it wasn’t clear how I would start, so hopefully this helps someone.

I am using the Portainer addon, so make sure you have that (Supervisor > Add-on Store > Portainer).

*and for the advanced users, please let me know if I am mis-configuring something!

  1. Add container

    • Input a name
      • I am using “rpi-cups”
    • Input name of docker image from hub (*this is just the name; it will pull the image)
      • I am using “lemariva/rpi-cups:latest” but probably any CUPS docker with a raspberry-pi implementation would work
    • Make sure “Always pull the image” is enabled
    • Click on “publish a new network port” and set it from 631 to 631
    • Go to “Volumes”
    • “map additional volume” then set to “Bind”
    • “map additional volume” then set to “Bind”
    • Go to “Restart policy”
    • Choose “Unless stopped”
    • Go to “Runtime & Resources”
    • Enable “Privileged mode”
  2. Go back up top and “Deploy the container”

After that, you should be able to access CUPS via http://localhassip:631 and setup your printer.


Thank you so much for this. I have been googling for hours trying to find a portainer or docker option for cups. Honestly I never heard of this site, but I needed to install CUPS on my OMV5 (OpenMediaVault 5) server, and your instructions were great.

My setup is not a RPi, but on an old HP server so I used olbat/cupsd from the site below, and now cups is up & running in my portainer.

Thanks again for this, you are awesome.

Hi, i configured cup using Portainer on my pi 4 with Hassos… The problem now is that using Hassos 4.20 it works fine, but upgrading to Hassos 5.9 the server still works, but no printer is shown on the net. Which is the problem? What I have to do to share the printer added in cups docker? please help me, thanks.

Try to update cups with the container ydkn/cups

I tried to format all, installing hassio 5.9, then install container with cups, but nothing

This is a well laid out guide but i am having problems deploying it. When I press deploy container i get this error message.


driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint CUPS (6bbdd8d98de77c1deee0c46b696309beead6083910a576feab8f9debb04d1501): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use

Any ideas on how to fix this,

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Is this setup working with current version of home assistant?

I successfully set up this but what is the default password for cups? when I try to add printer it asks for a username and password. I have tried root and root, Root and my homeassistant password combination but still no luck

Note: The admin user/password for the Cups server is print/print



I found it after extensive googling around but thanks. this will help new users.

Thank you for this. While I didn’t set up a USB printer on my Home Assistant box, I did on my NAS/Media server running docker/portainer & found your instructions very helpful. Thank you again.

got the same problem. some how the 631 is used from the home assistant container. I tried 49631 for the host port, and I can access to the page via localhost:49631 and add my Canon printer. haven’t find a way to see the printer from port 49631. :frowning_face:

Thanks for your great guide, managed to install it successfully but now fail to install the printer.
Found PPD file for my printer, it istals. But when trying to print get the error:
Idle - “File “/usr/lib/cups/filter/” not available: No such file or directory”
Do have this file on my local PC but have no idea how to upload it to this directory - ha file browser do not see it, FTP as well. Any advice?

I have a same problem with printer Ricoh SP211 :frowning:
If someone has some idea, please help us :wink:

To everyone who came here to learn how to add CUPS functionality to HASS: The portainer add-on has been discontinued and is no longer available in the add-on store. :frowning:

Whilst this is true, I managed to get it working by forking the home assistant community addon repo and reverting it to before it was removed. I then added it as a custom repo in home assistant and managed to install it.