Backup / Defekte SD-Karte

Hallo, ich habe leider eine defekte SD-Karte konnte allerdings noch einige Daten von der SD-Karte sichern.

Kann ich mit diesen Daten das System wiederherstellen. Ein Backup gibt es sonst leider nicht. Besten Dank.

Hello, unfortunately I have a defective SD card, but I was still able to save some data from the SD card.

Can I use this data to restore the system? Unfortunately there is no other backup. Thank you very much.

If this is all you have access to I am afraid you have to start from scratch. These files are related to Raspberry Pi, not Home Assistant it seems. Do a search for .yaml and .db to be sure.

thank you very much, yes apparently everything has been lost due to the SD card error.

Time to set up a new backup regime :+1:

You can’t access Linux partitions under Windows.

Or boot a linux live system.