Backup fails to restore

I am transferring from a raspberry pi to proxmox and have the vm running. When I try to upload my backup to it, I get Unsupported File Type error. Both HA’s are at the same versions and the backup file is a tar file. File does not appear to be corrupted, I have re-downloaded it a couple of times.

Any quick fixes?

Did you copy the backup to the new instance of HA? If not first copy it to the new machine and then try to restore.

Edit: To be more specific, the new machine should have a vanilla install of HA. Do not try to restore right off the bat. First start ha, upload the backup to the new machine, in settings → system → backup → 3 dot menu and restore.

Thanks for the reply, I got it going.

I installed “Terminal & SSH” add-on, then connected via winscp and uploaded the file to the /backup folder. I was then able to restore the backup and it appears everything is working as the old Pi now. Except the Bluetooth, but that’s an adventure for later.

There is no restore option, until the file is uploaded. When I try to upload the tar file, that is when I get the incorrect extension .tar error. I believe this is some kind of bug.
Pictures included in case someone wants to look into it.


OK this is NOT a feature.
Started HA, got bunch of stuff working.
went to backup
did a backup
downloaded file to PC
there I find 26_October_2024.tar
looks like a perfectly good .tar file to me (with stuff in it)
you cannot restore off this as poster stated. In my case a partial restore was needed.
Yes, probably you can do it as described but that is working round a bug.
OK whilst a newbie to HA and Linux I’, not a newbie to computers/programming so its not a huge problem.
For the average person it would be.
Particularly as (due ignorance) botched installs do not remove completely and a clean restart is needed whilst you get everything up and running.

Probably, either windows or the download procedure in HA has deleted the .tar from the file.
Just put it back if absent …

Not sure what you’re going on about, but I never stumbled into any issues with restoring a backup file when I migrated from a Raspberry Pi install to a Proxmox install.

No partial restore needed in my case. All I did was find the backup on my PC and simply selected that file and the entire HA system (including all addons) were up & running in no time.

Some people might run into issues when restoring on the onboarding screen, but that is usually resolved by trudging though (creating a dummy user) and restoring from a backup once the onboarding process is complete.

The file was not missing a .tar. This was one of the first things I looked at. The process I lined out works. Maybe it is working around a bug, but I just posted to help out the next guy. Hope it helps! Least I can do for trying to help support a free project.