Hello guys I have HA Supervisor running in a VM which is great until like this week i have had my Unraid server down for a few days. Which got me to thinking (i know dangerous) is it possible to have a designated backup system to run HA that jumps in if the server goes down. Like a Zimma Board
I have similar running pihole on 2 Pi’s if one goes down the other jumps in to take over?
Most integrations and smart devices allow multiple connections. With this, it is possible to have two concurrently running HA installs. You can use this to create a backup HA mechanism of sorts.
If using addons however, some items depend on HA and therefor cannot be utilized by multiple installs. For example, if you depend on mqtt and mqtt runs in HA_main…how will HA_backup work as devices will be set to connect to the HA_Main ip for mqtt server. If using docker or VM the MQTT could be independent server allowing devices to both HA server to connect and function regardless of HA state
Well i was told you cannot use Docker for Supervisor hence i stuck with VM.
But wondered if should move to a Zimma Board and run HA Super from there.
If its possible to do a full transfer. i use Zigbee ZHA mainly if that is possible to move them over.
Also couple of Zwave devices
You miss larger point
Docker is not required. It is possible with VM.
Problem is supervised since all services(like mqtt or zwave) are usually going to be dependent on and function with HA. If you can separate the dependent services from HA then it is no problem even with supervised install.