Backup HomeAssistant when Supervisor doesnt work

Greetings guys,

hope you can help me. So it seems my SD card begins to slowly die. Yesterday while upgrading the system didnt boot anymore. As my latest backup was like 2 months old I just copied the “supervisor” folder and restored it on a new system (still on the old SD card though as I thought it cant be damaged).

Now I would like to create a “real” backup but “Supervisor” doesnt seem to boot up anymore ( “Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js.”).

So should I just buy a new SD card reinstall homeassistant and then copy back the “supervisor” folder or the “homeassistant” folder inside it?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

You don’t want the supervisor folder. You want the config directory, and everything under it, including hidden files.

I got same error. I was planing to migrate to HDD, so i dit it together. What i did, because my last backup was 7 months old and i was few homeassistant versions behind latest:

  1. i was able to connect to samba share, so i downloaded that last backup, and config folder.
  2. i did fresh install (in my case on hdd, but had a lot of problems with starting, but thats another story)
  3. created new user after auto download was done
  4. installed addons, config values were in that old backup (dont direct copy addon config from backup on ui, is it not the same)
  5. on ui configured integrations, some of them were previously configured in yamls
  6. modified yamls (removed integrations added from UI)
  7. copied yamls and required folders over share. Do not copy folder .storage, it will replace all you did on ui. I also did not coppied esphome folder, and other addons related files.