Backup Location Local unavailable in HASS Supervised

Since the new 2025.1 update I am not able to make backups anymore. I have searched already a while what can cause the issue but didn’t find the answer yet.
I run HASS Supervised and before backups were send to a default location on the filesystem (/usr/share/hassio/backup).
In the new backup configuration I do not get an option to choose the location and get the following message at backup location:
No locations configured

Anyone who has a clue how to correct this?
Thanks in advance

I have the exact same problem. All back-ups failed and I cannot find a way to add a “location”.

Yes. Me too. I don’t see another to change it or just make it the default. Any help would be appreciated. Perhaps there’s a way to restart the wizard which allows the selection then?

The supervised install method is one of the advanced methods and I think the hardest to maintain to make it match HAOS and allow all the functions to work properly.
If I were to guess there may be a configuration problem that prevents you from using some of the tools.

In the end, all the Supervised installs are a little different making it very hard for any of the volunteers to help much.

I probably found a solution.
I downloaded the latest Debian Supervised package (homeassistant-supervised.deb)
Then I found out that in my installed version in the script that creates the docker container ( /usr/sbin/hassio-supervisor) the slave bind propagation is missing.
So most likely by adding this it works. That mean you need to search:

-v ${SUPERVISOR_DATA}:/data:rw \


-v ${SUPERVISOR_DATA}:/data:rw,slave \

Then remove the docker container hassio_supervisor
Reboot and if the container is not recreated run the script manually.

I will give it a try this weekend since I want to make rollback scenario first before doing this.
Installing the new package (released after May 2023) should also solve the issue I guess.

When I do have tested I will post the final solution here too.

Good news. I have solved the issue!
I have followed the next steps.

  1. First edit /usr/sbin/hassio-supervisor file changing the following line
        -v ${SUPERVISOR_DATA}:/data:rw \


        -v ${SUPERVISOR_DATA}:/data:rw,slave \
  1. Make sure your OS is up to date. I run on a Debian system so use:
apt update
apt upgrade

If during an upgrade Docker is upgraded to the supervisor container will be recreated anyway.

  1. Reboot the system
    Only the upgrade and not rebooting created a new container but it was inaccessible. A reboot solved this. I believe it has to do with the order the different Docker container come online again.

Alternative if the system is up to date to remove the supervisor container and then reboot:

docker container rm -f hassio_supervisor

You can get an overview of the container by running:

docker ps

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                     COMMAND               CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                                     NAMES
ddcdb07b8aa2   "/init"               About a minute ago   Up 54 seconds                                                 hassio_multicast
3bd23351af2c       "/init"               About a minute ago   Up About a minute                                             hassio_audio
c2fea84eae7a         "/init"               About a minute ago   Up About a minute                                             hassio_dns
a39ed9878afe         "/init"               About a minute ago   Up About a minute                                             hassio_cli
916a8420190c     "/init"               16 minutes ago       Up About a minute                                             hassio_supervisor
9e1eae7009f0    "/usr/bin/observer"   6 months ago         Up About a minute>80/tcp, [::]:4357->80/tcp   hassio_observer

This does bring back the Local Backup option under Backup but also the network storage option under Storage.
