Backup menu is missing

Dear community,

I just wanted to create a fresh backup, but the Backup menu is gone! :grimacing:
I run HA in a Docker (Synology).

I have the latest versions.
Core 2023.11.3
Frontend 20231030.2

Please help me! :pray:

Thank you!

Setting the User to Advanced Mode seems to be a common way to confuse!

I see Backups under:

  • Settings → System → Backups

No luck, I’ve tried with advanced mode off as well. :frowning:

Hmm. Other than a weirdness of a docker install, dunno :frowning:

How about trying a direct URL? (some editing may be needed)


Or a My HASS link:

Thanks, but nothing.

Added this line to the config file restored the backup menu. :slight_smile: