@KruseLuds - My HA DB file is just over 5GB and I have taken steps to try to reduce the data stored in it mostly by tweaking the code in my 50+ ESPHome devices as some were generating excessive data. Of course, there are other chatty devices that I can tone done like all the energy reporting devices however all of this is addressing my issue from another perspective - that of using/needing less space, instead of expanding the space available.
I already use Google Backup and have 15 daily backups (202GB total) uploaded nightly.
What I believe is hogging a lot of space is likely Influx DB but I have not found the DB file or a good way to see its size. I have cut down the retention period for the DB but I am not too sure it helped much likely because it cut off older data when I was storing less data so it didn’t make a huge difference.
Anyway, back to my original question… why is glances showing the folder in red? I assume it is to tell me that I am close to it’s quota… if so, how do I expand the quota? I am guessing the quota was some percentage of the drive space from when I first setup the VM. I have increased the disk space available to the HA VM several times but that folder has always remained red. I currently have 91GB available so if all of that were available for the backup folder, why is it red?
Given what you said, I tried df - h
in terminal but can’t make much sense of it as most of the folders report the same values for used and available which I believe is just the system total (81GB, not sure why not 91GB).
Also, another weird thing is that if I access my HA VM using samba (Files explorer), I find myself in a loop once I click the homeassistant folder within config. It just keeps opening what appears to be a nested homeassistant folder that is identical to the base homeassistant folder.
I don’t know much about Linux but I am guessing it is a symlink pointing back to itself?
When I check the size, I get 108GB:
I can’t get into the homeassistant folder though, so I have no idea why it is so large (other than possibly Influx DB).
Edit: My other HA VM (test system) doesn’t even have the homeassistant folder… I wonder whether this folder is something retained from some old version. Maybe I should reinstall and restore (or selectively restore) to hopefully get rid of it.