I have the following error:
Error creating backup: ‘BackupManager.do_backup_partial’ blocked from execution, system is not running - freeze
Yes, I have tred to reboot the system already
Any help appreciated.
I have the following error:
Error creating backup: ‘BackupManager.do_backup_partial’ blocked from execution, system is not running - freeze
Yes, I have tred to reboot the system already
Any help appreciated.
Just upgraded myself and was able to perform a manual backup via action: backup.create
I’m running HA container.
thank you for the Tip.
I am still having the problem:
➜ ~ ha backups new
Processing… Done.
Error: ‘BackupManager.do_backup_full’ blocked from execution, system is not running - freeze
Sorry, I have no further ideas.
okay. Thank you for your help.
I get this error also. I have configured (incorrectly perhaps, but hard to tell on Home Assistant) an smb share on another computer just for the purpose of holding HA’s backups, and have set automatic backups to go to this destination.
Having the same problem here.
Having the same problem
Is there already a solution for this
Still struggling that I cannot create any backup!
Error handling message: Error creating backup: 'BackupManager.do_backup_partial' blocked from execution, system is not running - freeze (home_assistant_error) <user> from <external IP> (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
This has been introduced since the update of the new Backup GUI.
Restarting HA ( and OS) does not resolve the issue.
Any hints or tips are more then welcome.
getting a little bit nervous without backups
Performed a full reboot of HA ( OS level ) and backups seem to be running again, will check tomorrow morning if the nightly full backup will do it’s work and revert