Backup / restore of community add ons

HI ! I am in need of moving my install to a bigger sd card (i started with a 4gb only to try it out)
After reading all I could find it looked like the best option was to install a fresh on the new SD and use the backup restore function to get back everything I configured. This worked nicely for the standard add-on but seems it did not at all for community plugins (like node red so I lost all automations…) How can I move accross those configs ?


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No one ? Seems strange that I am the first one to wonder about how to backup an install that does have community add-ons ? Or did I completely miss something?

What I did, when I was moving my RPI3 setup to VM for testing purposes:
Create snapshot on PI3, installed hassio in VM, restored snapshot from hassio. Addons that didn’t work, just installed again manualy and they worked after that.
Try to install addons before you restore snapshot - that should do it.

It’s hard to say what’s wrong based on the details you’ve provided. Restore has worked for me many times in the past, but It’s been a while since I have needed to do a restore. Maybe something has changed since I last tried…

Anyway, to restore Node-RED without relying on hassio backups, you can just copy all of the files from \hassio.local\share\node-red to the same location on your new hassio machine then start the Node-RED addon.

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Thanks Intel, will try that
Thank NotoriousBDG so I understand that third parties addons should just work the same way as standard ones ?
Thanks for the tip.

It worked ! Thanks !

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and btw thanks a lot for having made the node-red addon in the first place !

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@ashmodai I have had similar thoughts, especially regarding the user config entered in the “options” settings within each add-onm.

At the moment I am copy and pasting each “options” screen, into text files for easy recovery. Seems silly to have to resort to a snapshot backup, to restore the user config for a single add-on.

This morning I discovered that the user settings for each add-on, seem to be stored with each container with the data directory in a file called options.json.

I’m wondering if anyone has written their own backup script that queries the list of containers, then performs a copy of each of the respective options.json files.

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