Backups jumped in size in 2025.1.1

I setup automated backups in 2025.1.0 and then upgraded to 2025.1.1. The backups have jumped from ~450MB to just under 2GB but I haven’t changed any options so a bit confused as to what has caused this (I didn’t see any changes suggesting there was a bug in 2025.1.0 that anything was missing).

Will try and decrypt the tar files later on but that looks a bit of a faff. (Running on Docker and no real changes have been made that would account for over 1GB of data, I think there were just a couple of updated integrations)

Has anyone else seen anything similar or know of any reason why this might be case (isn’t a massive issue just seems odd)

What an absolute numpty I am :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Whilst moving some stuff around I copied the backups somewhere else. I have forgotten to remove them… HA excludes the backups if they are in the expected directory but not if you move them somewhere else…

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