Backups Listing can it sorted?

When I go to SYSTEM → BACKUPS I get a list of my backup files. I have two locations.

  1. Data Disk
  2. My NAS
    I would like to be able to sort this list by location. Is there a way to do this?

Click on the column heading “Location”.

There are no column headers in my listing???

Use a desktop PC, not a mobile device.

I am using a laptop running Chrome Browser on windows 10

Try it with the default theme. The column header row is there. I’m guessing the text is the same colour as your background.

Yes if I set the theme to auto they are there.
Now when I go back to dark they are there too?



However they don’t stay there. I have to go to auto to get them back again
However If I use Firefox Browser there is no issue?
Must be Chrome I thought so I checked if I needed an update and nope it was the same.
Anyway I have a work around so I can move forward.
If they are there but I can’t see them then I would expect that I could still click where they should be and it would sort? Nope
I just tried EDGE and it’s the same as Chrome

I have found the following.
When I go to System-> Backups there are no Column headers. If I do refresh the column headers appear.
I am using the default theme Dark
Never Mind It will do.