I have a Go-e charger that Im trying to feed with solar PV surplus data. I use the Go-e charger MQTT integration from HACS. On the Github there is this example that I’m trying to use, but I get an error I can’t figure out. The error is "Bad indentation of a mapping entry (line 14 column:32). Line14 is the line beginning with payload: and column32 is according to vsCode in th middle of }}{{ before states. Hope that makes sense Maybe someone can help me out with this.
alias: go-e Surplus Charging
description: "Simple automation to update values needed for using solar surplus with go-e Chargers"
- platform: time_pattern
seconds: /5
condition: []
- service: mqtt.publish
qos: "0"
# Change to your charger ID here
topic: go-eCharger/000000/ids/set
# Please provide your own entities here, as described above
payload: {{'{"pGrid": '}}{{states('sensor.grid_import_export_state')}}{{', "pPv":0'}}{{', "pAkku":0}'}}
retain: false