Bad Wifi connection with Core 2024.02.1

Click the link I posted.

ok I try.
Hope this works for me just need a stable ESPHome.
not able to downgrade I will reboot the whole System.
se if can downgrade than

Do you know is there any way to get USB Tethering work this RPI 4 ?

Whatever i try this core 2024.2.1 stay.
I have a 2nd SSD here.
A few days ago I tried to write a new image.
On Startup it never completes cause it trys to get the Core 2024.2.1 to install and stops again and again and again.
never can reach the ā€˜Landingpageā€™.
This Core 2024.2.1 gives me a lot headache.
Toke me 5 days to get it, now i have it canā€™t take it off anymore and never use it.
3 weeks i could run HA local next to me could develope many now iam off.
All time i been same place same Wifi same environment.
Everthing was pretty stable.
All HA Youtube channels say HA Community you will be helped pretty nice.
Iā€™am sorry .
got diffrent experians

if you suspect the WiFi i toke my last Joker swap over to my Android Samsung A52 Hotspot witch is 5G.
Try same use my HA
no succeed downgrade core.
no stable HA

No idea what you are saying. What about wifi tethering? You have only mentioned usb tethering.

Iā€™m outta here, you are too rude.

Iā€™am rude if i tell has to be the kernel version?
And no one believe me?

WIFI tethering your word i only speak about USB-Tethering.

This is the first mention of the kernel in this thread.

No you are rude because you claim you arenā€™t getting help, or arenā€™t getting nice help.

Iā€™d like to help the developers may to find bugs.
I really love the whole HA Project.
I appreciate all the huge development acheaved (i never able to this).
But i really got upset i anyone blame things i have already several times doublechecked. Will tell me i not able to read or think.
Despite all the trouble Iā€™ve had in the last few days, Iā€™m firmly convinced that Homeassistant is one of the most successful license-free projects Iā€™ve ever seen except linux itself.
All this are acheaved i will say ā€˜congratulationsā€™

Just some Ideaā€™s for developers:
If you starting new RPI Image why the Startup Routine right away will pick up the newest Kernel version?
This could be done after first setup of the Landingpage.
If any upgrade gives Issues, could be very nice on the UI itself could choose Kernel-Version not just will be asked for the newest available one.

If you never gona say iam rude.
I will try working wit you, not against.
finally i got old Kernel back.

Iā€™d like you to know if this will be stable next few days or dont?
I would be happy about a good cooperation.!!!

Thatā€™s not the kernel version. Its the core ha version.

Sorry may sometimes i havent a well Translation.
I ever speak about the Core not about the kernel.
Was my bad.
But thins i got the Version 2024.2 (or upper) my HA never been stable on wifi.
hope this information help you

Now i have the Version 2024.1.6 back everthing again very fast. how it was last 3 Wekks i stay this place.

look at this, Iā€™am not sure is may the wifi anyway?

but the connection with core 2024.1.6 not breaks.
HA is stable.
2024.2.1 broke wifi and kills wifi settings, than all down.

Thins downgrade to 2024.1.6 no WiFi breaks anymore

Sorry about i wrote Kernel not Core!
I ever been talking about this Core 2023.2.0 or 2024.2.1 got Problems with the Wifi.
I checked so many things, the best advise i got:
ā€œI supspect the Hotel WIFIā€
As soon i told iā€™am not satisfied with this help about the core.
Iā€™ve been told Iā€™am rude.
There wasnā€™t a single indication that I could check this or that.
Just told me youre rude.
If you donā€™t have a solution yourself, itā€™s easy to portray others as rude. Than you donā€™t need to help anymore.

I dont know really who is rude

This grafic shows the confirmation the wifi again stable thins got Core 2024.1.6 back

There is a new Core, do you know the Issue is fixed?
Until now i still run 2024.1.6 stable