Badges not visible in sidebar mode in Lovelace

Hello. I’m a new user of Home Assistant, though I’ve already played around for a few months and set up all my devices.
I’m now at the stage where I try to make my dashboards a bit better looking and user friendly (basically an effort to increase wife acceptance factor).

I really like sidebar view type in Lovelace, especially for graphs etc. However, I wanted to add some badges and the option is there, they are added, but not shown. If I change the view type to masonry, the badges I set up are displayed. What am I missing? Are badges not supported in the sidebar view?

I searched for more information about this topic, but I can’t find anything here on the forum nor in the documentation.

Sidebar View

The sidebar view has 2 columns, a wide one and a smaller one on the right.

This view doesn’t have support for badges.

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OMG, thanks. I read that page at least 3 times before writing here and yet failed to see that sentence.