Badges with state_filter won't show until once entered the raw configuration editor

I noticed a strange behavior on badges with state_filters. I only want to see a badge, if windows or doors are open. If not, don’t show it. It works well while testing, but on a reload of the UI they won’t show even if the condition is true. If I then go to the raw configuration editor and close it without save, the badges show up. On the next reload of the UI they are gone again. I see this behavior also on the android app.

1 - UI reloaded

2 - Edit mode after leaving the raw configuration editor

3 - Leaving the edit mode

The code:

      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.count_windows_open
            name: Fenster offen
          - entity: sensor.count_doors_open
            name: Tür offen
          - operator: '>'
            value: '0'
        type: entity-filter

Is there a solution to solve the problem? Does anyone experience the same problem?

I run HA on version 0.110.4 and “Frontend version: 20200519.5 - latest”.

To answer myself:

After the update to 0.111.1 and “Frontend version: 20200603.2 - latest” it works as expected.