Bagotte BG 700

Has anyone had any success integrating this brand of robot vacuum into HA?
It works via their own app or by adding to Tuya Smartlife. I have added the tuya integration from HACS but this does not support it.
Any help greatly appreciated.

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I would love such an integration aswell. I posted the same question on reddit a while ago and only received the following answer:

you can try looking for custom integrations on github etc that do this, or reverse engineer the app to make your own integration. As a last resort you could always have a controllable speaker to make home assistant say “Hey Alexa, start the vacuum cleaner” so alexa can pick that up and start cleaning.

mine is controlled by by alexa and the bagotte or smartlife app. But you dont get any stats from alexa just start and stop. I want to know when it gets stuck buy a custom voice announcement and perhaps flashing some of my house lights.
Reverse engineering is way above my skill set, I am just getting started with ESP home.
Hopefully someone much smarter than me will own that brand and post here.

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Picked up one of these in the prime sale. Great vacuum for the price, especially considering it shows realtime map progress.

I’m in same boat, not having luck with this integration.

@delboydell how did you get Alexa controls to work? I have added the BG800 to both Bagotte app and Tuya and neither allow for voice commands. what commands are you saying?

I had to pair it 1st with the bagotte app, then pair it with smartlife app, add the smartlife alexa skill, then create a routen with your chosen command, then in the action field select smart home , all devices and find your vac, and the start field. The only options were start and stop.

Thanks, much appreciated.

Hey, just to let you know I’ve successfully added my Bagotte BG800 Max to Home Assistant, using Tuya integration and Tuya Smart android app. Tuya just updated the integration so you no longer need a developer account.

Set up account in Tuya Smart app
Enable Tuya HA integration (enter your customer code in HA, then scan QR using Tuya Smart app)
Register your cleaner in Tuya Smart app
Cleaner available in HA :grin: