Balenaetcher not working

Trying to install hassos on drive and balenaetcher continues to fail with the following:


Something went wrong. If it is a compressed image, please check that the archive is not corrupted.

Cannot read property ‘message’ of null."

Tried multiple target media, flash from url and flash from file.

Any ideas?

Thank you!


It looks that problem is only on Linux. If you install on Windows so it’s going without problem.

Have you tried using the Raspberry Pi Imager? It will also write the HASSOS.

You don’t just have to use a Balena etcher. There are many programs to write an image. Look here

I tried both rufus and etcher on my Windows PC with the target sata drive connected and it couldn’t find it.

DISKPART | list shows the drive fine.

I tried raspberry pi imager on the Debian PC and it couldn’t find the target drive.

Same issue, tried under ubuntu live. on Asus MiniPC PN Series with SATA WD red SSD
Tried the 7.0 RC1 image as well with same result…
I downloaded and flashed the 7.0 RC1 media and rebooted.
So far running and have not seen any issues…