trying to flash a new sd card, I dl’d the latest Hassio and Etcher. On clicking the Flash! button, I need to enter my password, and then I receive a message something went wrong:
to be sure the archive isnt corrupted, Ive re-downloaded it 3 times now, no change.
tried the older Etcher App, with which I had no issues before, but then I see this first:
Checking the BalenaEtcher community hinted that they don’t yet support MacOS Catalina. Which I have installed on my MacBook. Tried every available option, formatted the card/mounted/unmounted. What have you. No succes.
Of course my older MacBook died on me, so couldn’t use that any longer (no such thing as coincidence…)
Then realized had another iMac doing nothing in one of my siblings rooms, which they never update
Hey just stumbled across this pst and I am having the same problem. I found the solution here, however they have a typo… this is the command to use in terminal to get balenaEtcher to run with sudo permissions:
I have Catalina on my MAC and I tried this but in terminal its still asking for my password… Of which I dont have, meaning I dont have a password set anywhere on this machine.
What do I do?