Bambu Lab X1 X1C MQTT

I can no longer connect to MQTT either. FTPS works, though. Annoying if they turned off the P1P’s MQTT outside of LAN-only mode…

For which printer?

That’s concerning - checking the page on networking ports on the printers, cloud and lan only mqtt should both be port 8883 and accessible, granted it was last updated in early February.

If anyone with a P1P wants to try troubleshooting, I’d suggest doing a few port scans, testing port 8883 vs 1883 with different settings (tls, etc). Make sure it’s the right lan access code etc.

Additionally, check in bambu-studio if it changed anything regarding mqtt commands and the P1P, as it makes the connection regardless of cloud vs lan only mode I believe.

Sorry - for the P1P

I tried both ports, with and without TLS, with and without the username and password. There’s a small chance I used the access code for my other P1P so I’ll try this all again later when I have a chance

Out of interest, what happens if you try the HA add-on? It’s missing a lot of from the NR flow, but it’ll handle the TLS logic so should quickly see if it’s config or firmware

I have tried to deplay a new nodes with a P1p Experimental, Deleting old nodes

It´s not working.

Only works in a LAN only method

Bambulab P1P

I was also trying with MQTT Explorer without success. I’m just hoping they use another unknown port when LAN-only is disabled, since @aperezva can still connect when LAN-only is enabled




  • Caps used for emphasis, not shouting.

Yep, I’m also not able to connect to mqtt on my P1P now - using mqtt explorer or the HA plugin.

Need to work out how I turn lan mode on to see if that enables mqtt access again.

Yep, after turning on lan mode I was able to get a different response from mqtt explorer:

And I was able to successfully connect again via the home assistant plugin. I haven’t gotten ftp connections to work at all yet though (lan mode on or off).

Ok… I read a post with the wrong user name listed apparently needs to be bblp not bblb. It seems to partially work although the connection does not seem to fully connect.

However I saw this post online which might help Nick:

@WolfwithSword, had the standard flow working good for a while, now im going to try the advanced flow.
I am setting Postgress up in a docker in container station on a Qnap NAS, any idea what settings i need please?

Honestly not sure on the settings, just keep things mostly default should be fine - I myself just run a postgresql13 docker with pretty much everything default except credentials and I add custom tables to it.

I also have plans to update the flows this weekend - minor updates to normal and I think advanced flow - depends on if the new “print file on sd card remotely” stuff I want as part of the Advanced flow, or to make it its own one that just requires the advanced flow to be done already.

What’s really odd is I’m trying to recreate the notifications showing up as HMS codes and I can’t replicate it - I even forced several small test prints to run first layer inspection and it never popped up as my HMS Errors - did show up on printer though.

I’ll continue trying to force it but for now I’ll put it on the back burner.

which build plates did you try?
the textured plate gives HMS_0C00_0300_0002_0004: First layer inspection not supported for current print | Bambu Lab Wiki

on every run (with latest firmware) at the beginning.

the ones that do support first layer inspection, such as the high temp plate or cool plate, gives me this with each run - HMS_0C00_0300_0003_000B: Inspecting first layer | Bambu Lab Wiki

(btw, when using in HA templates, the attributes are lower case such as 0c00_0300_0003_000b)(my screenshot had one wrong).

those should be info level notifications, not errors. all i did was update the firmware to and they popped up for me. hmmm

Yeah I have those pop up in printer just not in my HMS Errors. I do wonder what is best though - either to separate those two out as notifs, or to rename it from HMS Errors to HMS Notifs or something… Mostly because that first one I could actually see being a valid “error” if you enabled first layer inspection, but the second one yeah that’s a bit iffy - I may actually just remove that one from ever showing up.

I’ll think one a good way to resolve it overnight, already on a whim decided to try implementing bed and nozzle temperature setting into the flow and testing it now :laughing:

when you see the error on the printer, do you see it in bambu studio under the device->hms page? what i see in there, matches what i see in HA.

we need anything that allows us to distriguish between the levels. errors or notification levels so i’ll just notify when level >= 2. but then again, i’m sorta doing that by ignoring anything in the list. so maybe ideally we have a way to increment and decrement counts so repeat errors can be detected.

what are you doing with bed and nozzle temp? i set a boolean if either TARGET temp are > 0. it’s one of my bools that block automatic shut down.

Yeah they sometimes show up in studio for me but not under the HMS page - I rarely check there.

Given the way I have them is just a count of errors and under are attributes for each one, I think the only two solutions are to either a) separate into a separate list in my NR flow and make a new sensor of “HMS Notifs”, with a list of ones to separate, or b) leave it to user to filter. I think I’ll do A for those two and any future down the line will be added in updates. Can’t really attach levels to them as I’m limited with HA’s data fields.

Oh I’m just added two new number-inputs so you can set a target temp for both. Just runs the gcode lines m140 / m104 with the number. It’ll be useful to either pre-heat a chamber in an automation or script by setting bed temp early, or forcing both to go down to zero, or even on the fly modifying temps during a print.

EDIT: I need to look more into the HMS code thing because now, because I feel like there has to be some better way to organize it. Will take a bit to figure out.

No fixing solution for P1P connection?

Any recomendation? Or test to do?


Yeah, the only solution people seem to have is to put the P1P in Lan Only mode. I wish I had one to test more but it seems many others have tried now, only managing to get MQTT and FTPS working in lan only mode.

So some news! I updated my first guide so now the nozzle and bed temperatures can be set in home assistant.

And I made a fourth guide for remote starting a print from home-assistant if the file is on the sd card:

There are some caveats/limitations mentioned in the guide, but basically the project_file print command does not let you select AMS trays, so essentially it’s like a pre-sliced file, only using slots in order left to right.