Banned ip notification by mail, push notification etc


i have set up the ip ban by limit of attempts:


  ip_ban_enabled: true
  login_attempts_threshold: 10

if someone tries to log in 10 times in a row and fails all 10 times it automatically bans access from their ip by listing it in the file.

  banned_at: '2024-06-18T23:17:40.909765+00:00'

When this happens on the HA website I get a notification of IP banned but I wanted to send me an email or a push notification to the app and I don’t know how to do this automatically.

Is it possible to make an automatism every time a file is modified, or how can I do it?

nobody knows?

nobody knows?

State trigger on file sensor?

I get a persistent notification when an IP gets banned, you could trigger an automation from that ?

That’s exactly what I was asking… :slight_smile:

Does no one know of another method?

Does no one know of another method that is simpler or explained in more detail? I have not been able to understand it.

Can you post a copy of the persistent notification you get ?

Here you can see the 2 notifications that I receive when there are too many access attempts.

One of them is the one that interests me, that of IP blocking.

What it does is to fix the banned IP in a file.

I would like to receive an alert on my cell phone in real time, and not just a notification within the HA website but I don’t know how to generate the trigger for this automatism.

Does this do what you want

I tried it and can’t test it as not got any notifications, this is copied from the UI automation editor:

alias: Too Many Login Attempts Notification
description: ""
  - platform: persistent_notification
      - added
    notification_id: ""
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {% set message = trigger.notification.message %} 
      {{'Too many login attempts' in message or 'invalid authentication' in message or 'login attempt' in message}}
  - action: notify.mobile_app_phone
      title: |
        {% set title = trigger.notification.title %}
      message: >
        {% set message = trigger.notification.message %}
        {% set now = now().strftime('%d %b: %X') %} {% if 'Too many login attempts' in message %}
          Login notification: {{now}}: {{message}}
        {% elif 'invalid authentication' in message or 'login attempt' in message %}
          Login notification: {{now}}: {{message}}
          Track offending ip on{{message.split('from ')[1]}}
        {% else %}
          Login notification other: {{now}}: {{message}}
        {% endif %}
mode: single

indeed your solution works correctly.

Based on your solution I have created 2 warnings, one warning me of failed logins:

alias: Aviso - Logueo - Incorrecto - Por acceso
description: ""
  - platform: persistent_notification
      - added
    notification_id: ""
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {% set message = trigger.notification.message %}  {{'invalid
      authentication' in message or 'login attempt' in message}}
  - action: script.aviso_logueo_incorrecto
    data: {}
mode: single

and another one that warns me about ip bans.

alias: Aviso - Logueo - Incorrecto Baneo - Por accesos
description: ""
  - platform: persistent_notification
      - added
    notification_id: ""
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {% set message = trigger.notification.message %}  {{'Too many login
      attempts' in message}}
  - action: script.aviso_logueo_incorrecto_baneo
    data: {}
mode: single

All credit should go to @Mariusthvdb

You could do that in one automation if you use choose

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