Barcode lookup for grocery shopping list

I want to replace the crappy Woolworths app for our grocery list. I’ve heard Phil and Rohan mention Grocy on the podcast but that is overkill for me. I just want to scan a barcode and that adds the item to a Home Assistant To-Do List, not run a full meal planning, inventory and home ERP…

Here’s my current thinking. An automation is triggered by an ESP barcode scanner. Something like - m5-docs

The automation runs a lookup on the barcode and returns product details. The product name is added to the “Shopping List” To-Do list.

The stumbling blokc so far is finding a web service that allows barcode lookups. I was hoping the test account would be results limited and I’d stay under their cap. But it’s time limited. $99/month for 5,000 lookups exceed my needs and budget by some way.

Anyone know of a publicly accessible barcode lookup service?

Or am I recreating the wheel here and need to just look a bit harder in the Add Ons store?


Maybe this one:

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I recently found a similar plugin for Grocy GitHub - Forceu/barcodebuddy: Barcode system for Grocy They also do a barcode lookup. I was thinking about using it and call the API of barcodebuddy by Home Assistant or directly via ESPHome.

If you don’t use Grocy, you can still have a look into the code. They have multiple providers to look up bar codes: barcodebuddy/incl/lookupProviders at master · Forceu/barcodebuddy · GitHub

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Thanks to the input from my learned colleagues I believe I’ve found a solution - The free plan (100 lookups) will probably more than cover my needs, but even the hobbyist plan at $2.50 a month (1,000 lookups) is a reasonable proposition.

Much appreciated!

Hm. I am a Founder of ERP builder, and we have a search by barcode feature and open API. What if this is a match? You can integrate this system with

I wonder if those 100 lookups is per day, month or year.
I thought I could maybe guess it by clicking the Yearly toggle above the plan overview, but that just changed the monthly prices from $2.5 to $25.
It might say save 16%, but I only see a price increase by a factor of 10. :smiley:

@WallyR The API lookup limits are per day. So more than enough for my household!