Barometric pressure to weather chart

Hey Folks,

Anyone know of an integration that takes the input from the barometric pressure sensor and displays a chart like old style gages?


There is one gauge card which is a bit rubbish. I have written some text templates to try and produce a descriptive version. However, there is a gap in the market for someone capable

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Thanks, Would you be able to share?

I set up a pressure derivative helper as well.

- sensor:

    - name: "Pressure Trend"
      unique_id: pressuretrend
      device_class: enum
      icon: mdi:gauge
      state: >
        {% set pressurederiv = states('sensor.pressure_derivative_3hr')|float %}
        {% if pressurederiv <= -5 %}falling very rapidy
        {% elif pressurederiv <= -3 %}falling rapidy
        {% elif pressurederiv <= -2 %}falling
        {% elif pressurederiv <= -1 %}falling gently
        {% elif pressurederiv <= 0 %}steady
        {% elif pressurederiv <= 1 %}rising gently
        {% elif pressurederiv <= 2 %}rising
        {% elif pressurederiv <= 3 %}rising rapidly
        {% elif pressurederiv <= 5 %}rising very rapidy
        {%- endif %}

    - name: "Pressure Weather"
      device_class: enum
      icon: phu:air-pressure
      state: >
        {% set pressure = (states('sensor.pressure_external_average')|float ) | round(0) %}
        {%set trend = states('sensor.pressure_trend') %}
        {% if pressure <= 960 %}stormy, {{pressure}}, {{trend}}
        {% elif pressure <= 990 %}Rain, {{pressure}}hPa, {{trend}}
        {% elif pressure <= 1050 %}Change, {{pressure}}hPa, {{trend}}
        {% elif pressure <= 1025 %}Fair, {{pressure}}hPa, {{trend}}
        {% elif pressure <= 1045 %}Dry, {{pressure}}hPa, {{trend}}
        {% elif pressure <= 1070 %}Very Dry, {{pressure}}hPa, {{trend}}
        {% elif pressure <= 1090 %}Scorchio, {{pressure}}hPa, {{trend}}
        {%- endif %}

and this is the pressure gauge which I cant find the original link… I will keep looking


Julian, I know this is an old post - but did you ever find the link to that Barometric Pressure Gauge?

I’d really like to figure out how to use your pressure derivative code so my Apollo AIR-1 sensor can show if the Barometric pressure is trending up or down.

I’m just getting started with HA, so this would be my 1st attempt at adding a gauge to a dashboard.

Hi Julian

how do you calculate the values in ‘sensor.pressure_derivative_3hr’.

I´m looking to achieve the same as you.


I used a Helper Derivative set to 3 hours

Edit; in the template my numbers were rough. I.e. I never finalised exact pressure to description. Worth a fiddle

Thanks a lot Julian,

I´m working with your code and adjusting the values to see if i can achieve 70% of correct prediction.

I´ll get back in

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