Basic dummy question

I am soooooooo new to all of this so I will say that up front. That said I am trying to play around and I figured out how to get my doorbell to stream video so that is cool, go me.

Now I am tring to make my own dashboard to play around (Eventually i’ll do that tablet thingy) and having a tough time.

If I go to the “home” tab I created I can click onthe 3 dots>edit dashboard>"+ add card" and somehow cobbled together a camera card. The problem is there is no save button and when I click done it does not save to the “home” dashboard. If I click Edit Dashboard again it does show there.

Am I not understanding things here? Pic for reference. I just want the lovelace (Is that what its called?) card to be on the home dashboard I am messing with. I am just trying to learn the system here.

If it matters its a linux VM on an unraid server (first one of those too, lol).

I’m puzzled by this. I wonder if it would help if we could see what you see when you have clicked on ‘Done’. Can you send a picture of this?

Here it is

Tried to reload the webpage without cache? Probably CTRL+F5 works but depends on the Browser and OS.

No dice. Even opened in a diff browser that never accessed Home Assistant. Again I can see it in edit and click done buit nothing on normal page.

Thanks for the idea

Could you send us the yaml code for the stack containing the two camera cards?

Click the Edit button below the bottom image, then click SHOW CODE EDITOR in the bottom left corner. Then copy the yaml code. Please use the code formatting tool when adding your code to your reply.

square: false
columns: 1
type: grid
  - type: conditional
      - entity: binary_sensor.doorbell_streaming_sensor_streaming_sensor
        state: 'False'
      type: picture-entity
      entity: camera.doorbell
        action: call-service
        service: camera.turn_on
          entity_id: camera.doorbell
  - type: conditional
      - entity: binary_sensor.doorbell_streaming_sensor_streaming_sensor
        state: 'True'
      type: vertical-stack
        - type: custom:webrtc-camera
          entity: camera.doorbell
        - type: button
          name: Stop Streaming
          show_state: false
          show_icon: false
            action: call-service
            service: camera.turn_off
              entity_id: camera.doorbell

I think you are using Conditional Entity cards as the code below indicates.

  - type: conditional
      - entity: binary_sensor.doorbell_streaming_sensor_streaming_sensor
        state: 'True'

If you want these cards shown all the time then you need to use a plain Entity card.

It is definitely conditional. That was the instrucitons here:

So I set it up that it will only show when there is a trigger? Like when the camera pops on from motion?

Thank you for explaining!

I’m not sure what affects the state of the entity binary_sensor.doorbell_streaming_sensor_streaming_sensor but, only when it is true will the image appear.

It’s not quite right to say it only shows when there is a trigger - this would be more to do with an automation. In this case the dashboard card changes depending on the condition set.

Did this solve your problem?

Yeah. I understand most of it. Still learning. Thanks! CLicked solution

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